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notturno barese

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This is Bari by night, shot with Hueless on an iPhone 4S.

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

Basilica di San Nicola.

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

Garbage and lungomare

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

Arco di San Giovanni

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

Night life is only beginning

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

Barbed wire

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

La muraglia.

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

Panni stesi.

Bari di notte durante le vacanze di Natale

Lights on the sea.

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weekly snaps 12

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Second part of my selection of film photos (see weekly snaps #11 for the first batch). I figured that this double bill could be a way to compensate for the entire month gone by without any updates.

I will be off the grid for a couple of weeks for some …

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weekly snaps 11

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The black and white, London edition (yes, there’s also one taken on the Dorset coast so it’s not 100% London). Issue #12 will be online on Friday with a second batch of film photographs.


Marsyas exhibition(?), Tate Modern, London. Nikon F70, 35mm f/2(?), Kodak Tri-X 400.


Tate …

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fuji test day


Last Sunday Fuji organized a test event in Milano, so I grabbed the opportunity to play with the XE-1 for a good fifteen minutes.

The event was a crowd-pleaser; a perfectly lit1, beautiful model striking sexy-annoyed poses for all those who were interested in this type of photography …

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weekly snaps 10

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It just happened that all the past “weekly snaps” have featured photos linked by some sort of thread or connection. But my original idea was to collect random shots as I wrote at the beginning.

So today I was resolved in finding a few shots that I liked, with nothing …

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June 2012, my wife Giulia is 7 months pregnant and we’re having our last holiday together, before the baby comes and wipes clean our current life1.

We drive our van to Elba, a beatiful island off the coast of Tuscany, just before the hoards of tourists take over …

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weekly snaps 9

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I have been doing some experiments with this “stitching-bokeh” method; a neat idea to get the look of a medium-format camera but it takes too much computer work to get a good result; this is one of my attempts, definetely not as flashy as Brenizer’s, and I am pretty …

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Si tratta probabilmente dell’unica mostra a cui vado volentieri. È a Milano fino al 18 dicembre, ed è scontato consigliarlo a tutti gli appassionati di fotografia.

Rispetto all’edizione del 2009 che vidi a Londra, le foto qui sono stampate e non visualizzate su pannelli LCD retroilluminati; all’epoca …

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Qualche tempo fa cercavo uno sfogo per la mia fotografia. L’ho trovato pubblicando i miei weekly snaps; collezioni atematiche di fotografie scattate in diverse condizioni temporali, geografiche ed emozionali. O, evitando il pretenzioso vocabolario da pseudo artista e usando parole più terra terra, raccolta di foto prese un po …

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Simili ma non uguali. Questo è quello che tiravamo fuori io e Dylan bighellonando per Berkeley un paio di settimane fa.

Dylan ed io abbiamo lavorato assieme per quattro anni a Londra, e siamo diventati amici. Siamo rientrati in Italia quasi contemporaneamente ma io a Milano, lui a Trento. E …

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