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finale superenduro

Last October I’ve spent a great weekend riding and racing (and eating!) in Finale Ligure with Phil, Will and Fiona. I’ve collected all photos on flickr:







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Burj Khalifa in Dubai, tallest building in the world (828m!).

And this is a little video shot between Milano, Munich and Dubai, 5x5 vimeo-style (i.e., 5 sec clips put together with no background musico or other editing; the original project was called 5x5 because at the end you get …

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Sabato mi sposo! Mi sposo con Giulia.

Ne ho fatte tante con lei, e tantissime altre conto di farne.


In bici e moto:




Parco dei Cento Laghi, Appennino parmense.


Sardegna con la Multistrada.

Al mare:





E in montagna:


Giro del Monte Bianco.

Half Dome

Yosemite valley, Half Dome.


Scialpinismo in Val …

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Date Tags photo

First experiments with the Pinwide by Wanderlust. I used it for a few shots last weekend, tried to use it as a normal lens during a bike ride from Milano to Lecco along the river Adda. I soon realized that pinhole photography needs far more care and attention to get …

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bari nel nostro cuore

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Bari nel nostro cuore” (Taken with instagram)

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Had a great day of riding last Saturday. Woke up at 6:30am, took the 7:39 train to Sestri Levante. Three hours or so, and then here I am in Sestri; cool breeze, warm sunshine, I started following the Superenduro signs. Here’s a few pics that sum up …

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finesettimana sulla neve

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Fine settimana sulla neve riassunto in tre foto.

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Denver Boulder

Ho raccolto in un fotoset su flickr alcune foto scattate durante l’ultimo mio viaggio in America. Sono stato prima a Denver per una conferenza poi a Golden per una riunione alla Colorado School of Mines.

In mezzo, ci ho ficcato un weekend a Boulder che ero curioso di visitare …

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