It might be quirky and it might be cool but I would argue this is something which should not appeal to anybody apart from facebook photographers.
I’m talking about the 15mm Olympus body c(r)ap lens.
The reasons are two:
- judging from the shots which you can see …
Special edition today, featuring only iPhone photos.
It’s almost a year now that I have the Nikon D7000. It’s time to write something up about this camera.
I arrived at the Nikon D7000 after a long apprenticeship. I started with a Yashica FX-3 and its 50mm f/1.8, then I moved to a Nikon F70 (we’re still in the ancient film era). After a few crappy compact digital cameras (and one less crappy than others, the Canon G5) I got my first DSLR (a Nikon D70s) which was excellent until it broke down.
Since I was always traveling and hiking and biking I wanted a smaller camera so I bought a Panasonic GF-1 that I still have (and will keep for many more years to come; it’s still much better than any compact camera and only marginally larger).
more ...I did a few experiments with the camera over the past two weekends. Thought to share a few pictures here, even if they are not particularly inspired shots. But if you’re trying to find how damn good is the D7000 sensor, just look at the green tomato shot.
All …
more ...Quando andavo in moto mi hanno sempre appassionato le gare di endurance; 6 ore di Sebring, 24 ore di Les Mans, fari nella lunga notte, tutte cose che mi affascinavano.
Ho smesso di andare in moto ma le gare di durata non hanno mai smesso di attirarmi. E quest’anno …
more ...I find it difficult to take interesting/compelling/creative photos of familiar places. So what I did this time was just to take random snaps, without thinking too much, without trying to sample all the possible aspects of a place.
They may not show what the true Rosamarina is: to …
more ...I haven’t been able to publish these ‘weekly snaps’ for the past three weeks, but here I am with number 5; this time I’ll start off with a couple of cliché photos.
Boschi di Carrega, Parma. Nikon D7000, 35mm f/1.8G; f/4 and 1/800s. Shooting …
This week’s post has been delayed by some very expected news.
I’ll start off with two variations of a similar photo I published in Weekly snaps #3; the first is a classical black and white, the second a slightly toned black and white.
Then I have three photos …
more ...Fatemi lasciare un segnalibro in questa data, perché Valentina è nata oggi, 4 agosto 2012.
di getto
uscire dall’ospedale, rientrare a casa con Giulia e la bambina e pensare che d’ora in avanti ci sarà sempre una terza persona in casa.
incantarsi davanti al suo visino, ingobbirsi per …
more ...