For an introduction to this little photo essay see Photographic Projects.
Un sabato mattina a Parma c’erano degli architetti al lavoro.
Nel frattempo, Valentina imparava il mestiere.
Arrivata l’ora della merenda, c’era da fare i conti con Spritz.
Negli stessi giorni, si narrava di una fantomatica Nikon …
more ...(Questa è una copia del post dal nome analogo che trovate appena prima; unica differenza è il trattamento tramite VSCO delle fotografie, a riprodurre il look della pellicola Fuji 800Z).
Un sabato mattina a Parma c’erano degli architetti al lavoro.

I went to Jordan in the middle of September 2013 for work and managed to take some photographs; this is a small selection (I have some more on flickr).
In the first section here I tried to capture the aura of the Dead Sea. I will have to go back …
more ...Il 4 agosto Valentina ha compiuto un anno.
L’abbiamo festeggiato assieme ai soliti amici con cui abbiamo passato tanti altri momenti assieme:
Start here:
The story is about Usain Bolt and the snapshots he has taken using a camera borrowed from one of the sports photographers following the Olympics. But this is not about Bolt, it’s about these ‘professional photographers’ that you see in …
more ...There is a thin line that connects these photographs, but I also put a couple that I just enjoyed as they were (if only to stay true to my original intention of using these posts to display photographs that do not fit into a larger story).
more ...Street photography is real big now. All photographers do street photography. Everybody talks about it. But this is really getting on my nerves. I mean, these trivial shots of everyday life covered with fine-art pretensions given by a bland conversion to black and white — it’s really unnerving.
I am …
more ...There is a certain kind of photograph that creates a particular atmosphere, and even though it may not be related to actual weather events, sometimes it does.
Here there are a few of these “atmospheric photographs”; they were all taken within walking distance from where I live.
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