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how a bicycle is made

A 1945 video on Raleigh bicycles, worth watching for historical reasons but also for something that the speaker says towards the end of the movie (around the 16‘45” mark):

[…] There are bicycles for all purposes, suitable for men, women boys and girls. A bycicle is a comfortable and cheap …

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Yesterday evening I had the idea of taking a few shots during this special edition of Critical Mass Milano (special because it was the 10th year anniversary). It’s carnival time too so I figured there would have been good photo opportunities.

But I have a huge backlog of photos …

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salviamo i ciclisti

Mi piace, aderisco, che altro posso fare adesso? Leggetevi qui sopra la proposta, e guardate come alcuni originali vanno in giro a Milano per evitare tristi conseguenze.


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un minuto secco

Ammetto che non mi ha un po’ scocciato questa cosa.

Intendo i risultati avuti su mtb-forum. Il fatto che né l’episodio 1il 2 abbiano vinto il titolo di video della settimana. E che siano stati premiati video che riprendono riding banale o che mostrano sciatteria nelle riprese …

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self filmed test

Ero in ricognizione a Montevecchia per studiare i percorsi da riprendere nel terzo episodio di “Winter Riding Milano”1. Avevo con me la Panasonic GF1 e il treppiede Gorillapod, cosicché ho deciso di fare qualche autoripresa.

Ero con la bici leggera, il percorso era tipicamente cross-country, il rider nulla di …

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As promised before, here’s episode 2 of the miniseries “Winter Riding Milano”.

It was shot with Masatomo on Monte Canto, another beatiful riding spot close to Milan with lots of natural trails. What is shown here is a classic one: starting from Sotto il Monte we cycled up to …

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finale superenduro

Last October I’ve spent a great weekend riding and racing (and eating!) in Finale Ligure with Phil, Will and Fiona. I’ve collected all photos on flickr:







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So I’ve been busy shooting some videos with a friend and what I discovered is this: it’s a lot of work to ride hunting for location and constantly stop to shoot a five seconds clip !

Anyway, the idea was to show in 3 episodes the kind of riding …

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ultimo giro in bici

Nel senso di ultimo nella mia attuale condizione di scapolo ! Di giri in bici conto di farne ancora parecchi.

Sono andato a rifare il giro dei Lagoni nel parco dei Cento Laghi (Appennino Parmense).

Lago Santo e 456

Caldo pazzesco, ottimo allenamento: rampe impedalabili, facili stradoni da ciclocross, un po …

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packed onto a subway

Being packed onto a subway or a bus or even stuck in your car in traffic makes you feel like cattle, and that’s an awful way to feel. If you never want to feel like a cow again start riding your bike.”

Bike Snob.

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