Wedding photography is something like newborn photography; cheesy, kitsch and very very false. Obviously I’m talking about the kind of wedding and newborn photography which is most in vogue nowadays (i.e., the first hits you get when googling these keywords).
I just happened to read Milnor’s blog that featured an interview with some wedding photographer I didn’t know — and i still don’t know — but what was interesting was the little background story Milnor wrote so I thought about something:
- I will never ever shoot a wedding as a paid photographer
- Even if I did, that would be insanely expensive for the lunatic who would hire me
- That I would never ever do the silly setups and fake poses everybody (read above for the meaning of “everybody”) does
- but if it was my wedding I would only have me as photographer, because then I would get stuff like this:

Ok, that last point was a bit overselling myself, but you did read that I would never do photography under commission, i.e. money is not and will never be in the frame so to speak. So yes I am overselling myself, but that’s because those photographs above are something that I like very much. They were taken at my cousin’s weddding a couple of years ago, in some beautiful place in the Roman countryside.